When preparing to leave for transport, have these items already to go. 
  • Special nutrition is needed for recovery. This will be approximately $60-$200 a month. This will be discussed before transport.
  • Optional: Personal, individual counseling once a month from Cathy is $150 a month.

3 pants
3 shirts
2 pairs of shorts longer than the knee
5 pair of socks
1 pair of comfortable shoes
1 pair of tennis shoes
Journals with pens and pencils
Favorite snacks & drinks (i.e. Gatorade)
Please make them healthy choices.
Books (motivational & religious)
Blanket & pillow
Combination lock
Shampoo and conditioner
Hair items (brush, hair bands, combs)
Shaving items

  • Create a Western Union account to send money down for incidentals.
  • Time Warner Cable bundles offers free calls to Mexico.
  • Or create a calling account at: http://www.HablaMexico.com

For Donations

Please contact for info re: your items of donation

For the girls...
Crochet needles and yarn
yoga mats
appropriate DVDs
motivating books (English & Spanish)
exercise equipment & items
nail & hair items for learning in trade

For the guys...
Work out equipment
yoga mats
appropriate DVDs
Motivating books (English & Spanish)

Should clothes be needed,
extra are provided for the interns.